- Oct 18, 2019
- Viktor Branovitsky
- Articles
Mentors who seem to understand young people –
pure water dreamers.
The youth does not want to be understood at all, she wants one:
to be alone.
Erich Maria Remark
March 31, 2019 will go down in history as the youth triumph over retrograde forces.
The public demand for change demonstrates its unity without the traditional assembly on the main political street of the capital, as in 2004 and 2014.
Regardless of the results of the elections on April 21, Ukraine will not, as before, believe in the promises of political leaders alone.
The absence of a clear programmatic strategy of public policy in the winner of the first round of the presidential election is limited by the thesis “without them it will be better than with them!” – already better for most than the empty promises that are duplicated year after year.
The change in electoral preferences lies in the change of generations involved in democratic processes.
Generation theory (x, y, z) and Zelensky’s victory
There is a lot of information about the perspectives and perceptions of Generation X, Y and Z representatives, but the main thing is that they are genuinely interested in building civil society with the alienation of Soviet archaisms in the behavior and motivation inherent in their parents.
They are riddled with liberal-market economic transformations.
When choosing between a blank sheet of paper and a draft in the new wrapper, most will choose a blank sheet.
The voter age of the winner of the first round of the presidential race is in the range of 18-39 years, not up to 30 years, as is commonly believed. It would be impossible to win in 19 oblasts and in Kiev, based solely on people under 30.
Thus, neglecting to increase the age range of supporters of the changes and democratic values of Generation Y and Z by the election leaderships of the presidential race leaders for 5-8 years has led to such a significant gap between the first and second seats of the March 31, 2019 presidential elections.
Graduation according to the theory of generations X, Y, Z (one option):
The beginning, the years
The end, the years
The age of the oldest representatives
Generation X
Generation Y
Generation Z
Volodymyr Zelensky was able to play on the belief in the victory over socially painful problems with the right questions for young people:
what is important for young people?
what does she value?
how does it differ in its views and values from its parents and the older generation?
Zelensky’s campaign campaign digital strategy
The Y and Z generations are at the heart of the digitization of society, they cannot imagine their lives without the internet, smartphones, messengers, social networks. The main focus of Zelensky’s staff on forming public opinion was on these instruments.
The Y and Z generations are more trusted by the Digital Media, which is the watchdog of civil society.
Investigations of public figures and journalists are creating unprecedented public outrage among their representatives, which would hardly be possible today in classic communications such as radio, television, print.
The antagonism of rejection of the old cohort of youth politicians is manifested through the permanent emergence of protest movements. Unfortunately, the prolonged existence in society of a high level of distrust of public authorities and the lack of credo in them as representatives of the guarantor continued even after the Revolution of Dignity.
We see how this creates social tension among some of the youngest generation of Z and Y, which is quite dangerous. As it already leads to significant protest sentiment with elements of aggressive behavior, the extreme of which can be considered repeated confrontation.
Tasks for the President
Civil society is self-regulated and organized. Therefore, it directly influences the overall change in state policy and competition for power through democratic expression.
At the same time, social harmony may not be achieved, since the idea of society as an ideal market can be attributed to economic romanticism.
In thinking about this process, we must strive for the formation of a new paradigm of effective state policy and appropriate institutional architecture.
According to the formula of German economist and politician Edward Bernstein, “the ultimate goal is nothing; the movement to it is everything”, so economic policy should envisage sustainable economic growth in the short and medium term as a move towards a better life.
This can prevent negative developments in the country, normalize the economic and political situation and unite society.
In the cadence of 2019-2024, important tasks for the President, who aims to integrate Ukraine into the global economy, are:
ensure sustainable inclusive economic growth to maintain political, social stability and increase the welfare of the nation;
to achieve effective counteraction to deviant behavior of representatives of public authorities through the use of force of state coercion and moral and ethical determinants;
to remove state losses built on the looting of the budget, resources, irrational and unproductive use of state property;
building a civil and meritocratic society
“The King does honor,” Machiavelli once said. And the truth of this thesis also remains undeniable.
The winner of the presidential election, regardless of their results, must quickly reload the staff of teams at all levels in order to increase public confidence and quality of state institutions.
It is necessary to actively involve talented and intellectually prepared representatives of Generation Y in governing the state and state property without protection, as is accepted in Ukrainian politics.
The nation’s leader must be subordinate to national interests and continue to build a market and civil society with effective mechanisms of a rule of law.
As a consequence, it will have a positive effect on the social and social climate, create the preconditions for the expansion of the middle class in the country, which in turn is a humanization and promotion of a meritocratic society.
I am convinced that the foundations of a liberal market economy have no alternative for Ukraine’s prosperity. At present, it is absolutely not about the flaws and failures of neoliberal economic policy in Ukraine in the late twentieth and early twentieth centuries.
It is impossible to achieve economic growth and credibility in the global world without rapid and quality reforms, full justice of laws, foreign private investment and inviolability of private property.
P.S .: Considering, through the prism, the problems of market relations in Ukraine, we can conclude that it was deviant behavior that incorporated the features of favoritism and opportunism, which led to such a long transitional period in Ukraine.
We can observe unscrupulousness in the people who are in the state-making arena for more than 20 years, as well as clan elites and stakeholders of the Ukrainian economy.
Tax evasion is the result of private economic activity, and banal robbery in the face of state-owned hostilities is different.
Stakeholders and some of Ukraine’s political leaders need to understand the lesson and realize their personal responsibility for the country’s economic impotence for nearly 30 years of independence.
Viktor Branovitsky, especially for the UP