- Oct 18, 2019
- Viktor Branovitsky
- Articles
Every new president proclaims the fight against raiding, but the problem is not that the signers don’t really want change!
There is no strict process of control of execution of orders in strict terms, which is called deadline.
This is especially important in the process of configuring the automation of public services.
Having devoted to the research of the property institution for more than 10 years, I would like to explain:
therefore everything new does not work on the banal and simple example of ampersand (&);
as well as why the fight against raiding should be achieved by the irrevocability of punishment.
The Decree of the Ministry of Justice of Ukraine of October 17, 2018 No. 3236/5 approved changes to the requirements for the spelling of the name of a legal entity, its separate subdivision, a public entity that does not have the status of a legal entity, except for the union organization.
According to the changes, it is allowed to use:
letters of the Ukrainian alphabet – when writing the name in Ukrainian;
letters of the Latin alphabet – when writing the name in English;
punctuation marks and symbols. An innovation is the use of the symbol N, not the number, and the use of the ampersand (&);
numbers are Arabic (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0) and Roman (I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII, IX, X, L, C, D, M).
And now the case itself
For almost a year, as citizens, investors, entrepreneurs, they have the right to call their “ship” using their imagination when registering business.
However, in accordance with the new additional symbols and changes adopted in the regulatory act of 2012.
And here’s the surprise
You will not be able to do this because all new symbols and options are available in test mode for almost a year only to the developers of the Ministry of Justice and not to registrars.
Therefore, the question arises as to the timeframe for the implementation of new technological fuses in the fight against raiding and their actual implementation in time in accordance with the President’s order.
Especially with regard to the development and implementation of the Ministry of Justice’s new software of state registrars.
The commonplace example is the inability to quickly implement projects and changes initiated even by the ministry responsible for sectoral policies.
There are not enough fuses in the form of software updates or patching of legislative holes.
Property must be protected in accordance with the law. And here is the area of responsibility of the law enforcement system.
It is impossible to stop raiding with one command or software.
Only the irrevocability of punishment for raiders, registrars, all involved in the execution of raider actions, intermediaries, lawyers, notaries involved in the process of illegal change of owners can become a real safeguard for the protection of property in Ukraine!
But this is already a challenge for the new Attorney General, whose election is not far off.
We hope that his personality will not be too big a surprise for lawyers and for the whole of Ukraine.
It is also hoped that professional selection and an impeccable reputation will prevail in the selection of candidates!
Will the Prosecutor-General elected by the new Verkhovna Rada be politically incompetent, carry out their duties regardless of the color of the party, including the criminals who may be hiding behind the screen?
Is there another way: to cover the crimes of previous years, representatives of the new and old elite, and the period before the Revolution of Dignity, which everyone seems to have forgotten?
We will find out about this in the near future.
Viktor Branovitsky, especially for the UP
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