- Oct 18, 2019
- Viktor Branovitsky
- Articles
Can such structures as the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Antimonopoly Committee, Ministries, law enforcement agencies and so on, in the same composition and institutional movement, continue to work, as they are now demonstrating?
The paradoxical position of a number of political speakers who consider lustration to be unconstitutional and illegal, as it restricts the rights of citizens, leads a sane person to a stupor.
How, then, in such a situation, to assess aiding in the robbery of the country, officials’ expenses exceeding tens and hundreds of times of income when spitting on the Rule of Law and the equality of all before the law, while maintaining formal signs of legality – is this considered a manifestation of professionalism?
If the leaders of Poland, the Baltic states, Singapore thought about the constitutionality of lustration or the severity of punishment for corruption crimes, they could still be similar to Ukraine in terms of living standards.
Despite the formation of teams, among the so-called “leaders of change”, we see that they also select personnel by competition with favoritism and preference for officials and top officials of the new and old generation.
This is reminiscent of the principle of a saucepan with dumplings, where dumplings are top and bottom, but still in oil.
That is why we constantly see fresh corruption scandals.
If lustration in 2014-2016 took place as the people would like, and not those in power, this level of corruption and protectionism could have been avoided.
For the entire duration of the lustration law, out of more than 922 lustered officials, only three are at the level of deputy ministers. Is there anyone who deserves to be on this list? Or a loophole in the form of ATO tourists saved everyone else?
Having monitored the declarations of directors of departments of ministries and other top officials for the 2018th year, we will see salaries ranging from 500 thousand UAH to 1.1 million UAH per year, which more than corresponds to market salaries in the corporate sector.
After reviewing their biographies, we often see personnel officials who have been working in the civil service for years and decades under all authorities.
Admission to positions of this level for specialists from the street is practically limited and reduced to zero. Where are the all-new people promised in all 5 years after the Revolution of Dignity in the civil service and the renewal of senior management?
Read also:
Deoligarhatsatsiya: Mіsіya nezdіysnenna
In the meantime, with such a quality of lustration, Ukraine remains on the first headlines of The New York Times, The Daily Beast and other world-famous media outlets with calls to break off relations with corruption and criminal oligarchs, their representatives, former officials (2010-2014), not to ruin what has been done titanic work of the NBU to restore financial and macroeconomic stability.
Will the new guarantor be able to restart the domestic political process and fill its personnel gap with specialists intellectually ready to work in the interests of Ukraine?
Break the personnel selection policy according to formally relevant requirements, such as experience in public service, or according to ideological principles.
To get away from cooperation with a protege from influential people who are not denied, or to form a team with personnel dedicated to serving the interests of large businesses. The question remains open.
Definitely, Ukraine needs a second wave of lustration, so that it, like the Procrustean bed, once and for all does its job!
Perhaps this will sound emotionally, but lustration should continue all the time, with the inadmissibility of already lustrated ones and verification of “undeveloped ones” in accordance with requests from public organizations.
Lustration should be carried out until the Ukrainian people feel the difference in changing the management paradigm in the state apparatus.
The law on lustration should be finalized and expanded with amendments. Yes, in part – this can be assessed as a political decision, which has a legal imperfection, but for the good of statehood and Ukraine – this must be done.
Victor Branovitsky, specially for UP
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