- Oct 18, 2019
- Viktor Branovitsky
- Articles
Many analysts, before the first and second rounds of the presidential election, wondered why the point of de-oligarchization was absent in the programs of the leaders of the presidential race?
Do we expect the winner of a real de-oligarchization? Will he really be able to show an example of struggle, independence, big business involvement?
The answer lies not only in their open financial, staffing or political support, whatever they may conceal or deny, but in that it cannot be overcome in essence in Ukraine.
At the consumer level, society would like to implement revolutionary slogans: to take away illegally obtained goods and return them to the nation, that is, nationalization! Everyone dreams of seeing billions in income start to work for the people and return to Ukraine. But this is a utopia in the capitalist system.
Oligarchs influence foreign and domestic policy and, depending on their preferences and personal financial interests, form its vector of development. Some benefit, while others reach their narrow-minded interests, harming the well-being of the nation.
The interests of many key oligarchs overlap and, if publicly confronted, hidden backdrops continue behind the scenes.
At the same time, de-oligarchization is based on the fight against lobbying, favoritism, protectionism and influence on decision-making.
The oligarchy itself fights for control of the budget, state-owned enterprises and state institutions. To which we refer to the Antitrust Committee, the NERC, the State Property Fund, the State Aviation Service and other state regulators.
Their considerable influence is built on the monopoly control of the economic sectors, and often many.
Some of the so-called oligarchs are under the dome of BP. The concentration of official dollar millionaires in BP, the government, even law enforcement agencies is quite significant, which is not typical even in developed countries. Here’s a kind of sur.
The shots solve everything
Any successful organizational system is staffed. It is impossible to avoid the oligarchization of the economy when the rich influence the appointment to the authorities. Big business influences the appointment of top executives to officials, and later returns to their companies, this relationship works in the opposite direction.
In part, this is a normal process for any market economy that has successful examples, as the corporate sector generates human resources. However, when it harms the welfare of the nation, appropriate law enforcement agencies should be involved in the process.
Therefore, the real fight against the oligarchs must take a different line of division. It can be achieved through the network of anti-corruption bodies, the fight against illegal enrichment without the right to pay off taxes, amnesty or a fine, exceptionally complete confiscation and irrevocability of punishment.
Denunciation and oligarchs
In a capitalist economy, the only effective mechanism that compels state property to bring substantial benefits and improve well-being as an element of de-oligarchization is fair privatization.
Our oligarchs have shown impudent greed and have recorded extra profits for a long time.
For comparison in Poland over $ 45 billion came from the privatization of the budget during 1991-2015, and in Ukraine at the moment barely $ 67 billion was traded, more than half of which was due to the re-privatization of Kryvorizhstal.
Dividends from the activities of a state-owned enterprise in favor of Poland’s budget are measured in billions of US dollars, and in Ukraine just over one billion US dollars. However, the capital intensity of our economies in the early 90’s varied 3-4 times, in favor of Ukraine.
After the restart of privatization in 2018, the process itself remains under the control of big business beneficiaries.
Anti-corruption architecture
Today, Ukraine is building a police state for the sake of putting pressure on SMEs, not overseeing compliance with the higher echelons of power.
Due to the titanic pressure of international partners and human rights defenders, should Anticorrosive work soon to answer the question, when are the real sentences? The judgments are among the elites, not the blinding of the eyes by the small hostages of the system.
None of the newly established law enforcement agencies was able to remain apolitical and demonstrate efficacy that would satisfy civil society.
The lack of an adequate institutional framework to punish the country for robbery significantly harms macroeconomic stability.
Restriction of the oligarchization of Ukraine is possible provided the following basic steps are fulfilled:
1. Personnel selection through the lens of professionalism and lack of conflict of interest among the management of regulators.
2. Large-scale privatization with maximum attraction of foreign investors and giving them preferences.
3. Transparency of legislative and budgetary activity.
4. A qualitatively new composition of parliamentarians: a social elevator for professionals, not media people and an old cohort of people who have been in power several times since independence.
5. Punishment for abuse of power by rebooting NAPC, NABU, SAP without allowing the same employees to be migrated from one body to another.
6. To prevent changes in the lustration law and the return of the lustration officials to power.
Will the guarantor carry out the plan at least to de-oligarchize the country through the renewal of elites that everyone is constantly talking about?
A number of last names today are more like echoes of a time machine. We see previously known, odious and influential personalities trying to get back to the power echelon. Contrary to the values of the Revolution of Dignity and all that was done against them by Ukraine.
The quality of the president’s team is an honesty for civil society and the electorate who have made their choice in their favor. Otherwise, it is an attempt to conceal the affiliation of future technocrats with oligarchs in one way or another. Hide team toxicity.
Based on Plato’s assertion, Ukraine has long been divided into a country for the poor and the rich. The wealthy part of our society tries to play on the emotional motives of the former and gain individual benefits and no more. Knowingly not acknowledging and denying their personal guilt and responsibility for the current state of the country.
Viktor Branovitsky, especially for the UP